Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Much Ado About Nothing (2003, Shakespeare and Company)

TitleMuch Ado About Nothing
Theater CompanyShakespeare and Company
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date2003-05-30
End Date2003-08-31
Play ConnectionsMuch Ado About Nothing (performance)
Media Collections

Cast Overview

MargaretElizabeth Aspenlieder
Don JohnJason Asprey
WatchmanLon Troland Bull
BenedickAllyn Burrows
AntonioMel Cobb
Don PedroJonathan Croy
BorachioJohnny Lee Davenport
HeroStephanie Dodd
DogberryJonathan Epstein
LeonatoMalcolm Ingram
BeatricePaula Langton
VergesMark Saturno
ClaudioMark Saturno
WatchmanDaniel J. Sherman
ConradGabriel Vaughan
UrsulaLane Whittemore

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorDaniela Varon
Costume DesignerJacqueline Firkins
Scenic DesignerCameron Anderson
Lighting DesignerMatthew E. Adelson
Sound DesignerJason Fitzgerald
PropertiesChastity Collins

Company Overview

Theater Company Shakespeare and Company

Production information courtesy of: Shakespeare and Company [website]