Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Antony and Cleopatra (1972, Colorado Shakespeare Festival)

TitleAntony and Cleopatra
Theater CompanyColorado Shakespeare Festival
Release LocationsUSA
Start Date1972-07
End Date1972-08
Play ConnectionsAntony and Cleopatra (performance)
Media Collections

Cast Overview

GallusGerald Blackmore
MaecenasJeffrey Cohen
ErosDaniel Corcoran
MenasDon Dino
WhoreDebbie Engene
VentidiusPeter Farley
DecretasJames Glenn
OctaviaMargaret Heneman
SoothsayerHenry Hoffman
ProceleiusJay Paul Hornbacher
LepidusRobert Kallus
Octavius CaesarDaniel Kern
MenecratesMichael Leberer
MessengerAlbert Lundby
IrasKate McCloskey
DolabellaHorace Moone
WhoreRuby Newman
ScarusPaul Oertel
CleopatraMary Ed Porter
AntonyScott Porter
CharmianPatricia Ryan
AlexasEd Sampson
EnobarbusMichael Tezla
Sextus PompeiusJohn R. Tobinski
AgrippaCharles Wilcox
MardianCal Winn
DemetriusRon Woods

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorAlfred Rossi
Assistant DirectorHenry Hoffman
Assistant Technical DirectorSusan White
Costume DesignerJr. Robert Dewitt Morgan
Scenic DesignerGary Schattschneider
SoundCharles Eakin
SoundMelissa Gray
Technical DirectorW. Joseph Zender
Stage ManagerFaye Kreinberg
Assistant Stage ManagerSusan White
WardrobeMichael Chetterbock
Assistant LightingGail Olson
LightingDonald Shulman
Properties AssistantsKarl Ruling
Properties AssistantsJoy Silverstein
PropertiesLeslie Wolbers

Company Overview

Theater Company Colorado Shakespeare Festival

Production information courtesy of: Colorado Shakespeare Festival [website]