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Shakespeare's Works
Other Texts
Cymbeline: Sources and Analogues
Henry V: Chronology
Henry IV, Part 2: List of Characters
All's Well That Ends Well: List of Characters
The Whore of Babylon: The Wars of the Roses and the History of Fairyland
Twelfth Night: Introduction
Twelfth Night: Bibliography
Cymbeline: Early Modern Culture
Cymbeline: List of Characters
William Shakespeare and The Winter's Tale: A Brief Chronology
The Winter's Tale: Bibliography
The Tempest: List of Characters
Additional Footnotes to King John
The Whore of Babylon: Plots on the Queen's Life
As You Like It: List of Characters
The Winter's Tale: Introduction
Troilus and Cressida: List of Characters
Introduction to Holinshed on King John
The Whore of Babylon: Biblical Allusion
As You Like It: Chronology
Henry V: Critical Reception
King John: List of print anomalies in the Folio text
The Aphrodysial (MS1, 1646)
The Whore of Babylon: The Warrant Scene
Henry V: Bibliography
King John Criticism: Selections
Northumberland News
All's Well That Ends Well: Bibliography
Every Man In His Humor: Characters
Julius Caesar: Critical Survey
Henry V: Textual Introduction
The Tempest: Critical Introduction
Henry IV, Part 1: Chronology
Henry V (Modern, Folio)
The Winter's Tale: Critical Reception
Music in The Whore of Babylon
The Whore of Babylon: Dekker's Allegory
Henry V: Family Tree
The Whore of Babylon: The 1588 Spanish Armada
The Whore of Babylon: Introduction
The Whore of Babylon: The Legacy of Tilbury
The Whore of Babylon: Costume and Disguise
Fair Em: List of Characters
Twelfth Night: List of Characters
Othello: Bibliography
King John: List of Characters
King John: Introduction
Hamlet: Critical Approaches
Albion's England (Selection)
Henry IV, Part 1: Bibliography
Othello: A Survey of Criticism
Hamlet: A History of Performance
The Winter's Tale: Textual Introduction
Henry IV, Part 1: Textual Introduction
Othello: A History of Performance
As You Like It: Introduction
Twelfth Night: Chronology
The Whore of Babylon: Works Cited and Further Reading
Ancient Greek and Roman History and Mythology
Myths and Allusions in Hamlet
King Lear (Folio): List of Characters
King Lear (Quarto): List of Characters
Textual Introduction
Edward III: Textual Introduction
Shakespeare and The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth
Historical Notes on the reign of King John
Richard II: List of print anomalies in the Quarto text
Henry V: List of Characters (Modern, Quarto)
Othello: List of Characters
Romeo and Juliet: List of Characters
Henry IV, Part 1: Performance History
Julius Caesar: Chronology
Hamlet: Sources and Analogues
Hamlet: General Introduction
King John: Textual Introduction
Cymbeline: Genre
Plutarch: Introduction
As You Like It: Critical Reception
Cymbeline: Textual Introduction
Cymbeline: Britons and Romans
As You Like It: Textual Introduction
Henry V: Stage and Screen
As You Like It: Performance History
Julius Caesar: Introduction
As You Like It: Bibliography
Julius Caesar: Stage History
The Winter's Tale: Performance History
Julius Caesar: Bibliography
Henry IV, Part 1: Critical Reception
Cymbeline: General Introduction
Henry V: Acknowledgements
Henry IV, Part 1: Introduction
The Winter's Tale: List of Characters
Twelfth Night: Textual Introduction
Cymbeline: Contexts
Othello: Textual Introduction
King John: A Survey of Criticism
All's Well That Ends Well: Textual Introduction
Julius Caesar: Textual Introduction
Hamlet: The Texts
Actors' Interpretations of King John
King John: Performance History
Othello: Introduction
Henry V: General Introduction
Henry IV, Part 1: List of Characters
Richard II: List of print anomalies in the Folio text
Julius Caesar: Characters
Seventeeth-Century Dramatic Extracts from Shakespeare's King John
The Book of Job (Selections)
2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody (Quarto 1, 1606)
The History of Hamlet
Der bestrafte Brudermord (Fratricide Punished)
Othello Travestie (Selection)
Supplementary Materials: Introduction
Saxo Grammaticus, Historiae Danicae (Selection)
The Merry Wives of Windsor (Modern, Quarto)
King John: A Burlesque
Additional Footnotes to An Humorous Day's Mirth
The Battle of Alcazar (Selection) (Modern)
A Woman is a Weathercock (Quarto 1, 1612)
Amends for Ladies (Quarto 1, 1618)
Apollonius of Tyre
The Arcadia (Selection)
Basilicon Doron
The Flower of Godly Prayers (Selection)
The First Blast of the Trumpet
Cambyses (Quarto 1, 1570)
The Monk's Tale (Selections)
The Cruel Brother (Quarto 1, 1630)
Cinthio's Tale (Modern)
A Godly Form of Household Government (Modern)
The Conflict of Conscience (Quarto 1, 1581)
A Table of Human Passions (Modern)
Chronicon Anglicanum (Selection)
Coryat's Crudities (Modern)
Counsel to the Husband (Modern)
Thomas Lord Cromwell (Folio 3, 1664)
The Civil Wars Between the Two Houses of Lancaster and York (Selection)
Damon and Pithias (Quarto 1, 1571)
The Defense of Poetry
The Ballad of Agincourt
Letters Permitting Deportation of Blackamoors from England (Modern)
Englishmen For My Money (Quarto 1, 1616)
Everyman In His Humor (Modern)
Euphues (A Selection)
Euphues and His England (A Selection)
Faerie Queene (Selection)
Fair Em (Modern)
Fair Em (Quarto 1, 1593)
Fair Em (Quarto 2, 1631)
Certain Tragical Discourses (Modern)
The Book of Martyrs (Selection (Old Spelling))
The Book of Martyrs (Modern)
Acts and Monuments, 1563 (Selection)
Galathea (Modern)
The Tale of Gamelyn
God's Handiwork in Wonders
Richard Grafton: Chronicles of England (Selection)
Chronicles of England
Hall's Chronicle (Selection)
Hall's Chronicle (Selection)
Hardyng's Chronicle (Selection)
The Testament of Cresseid
Hick Scorner (Quarto 1, 1515)
Hick Scorner (Modern)
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (Selection)
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1587 (Selection)
Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1587 (Selection)
Holinshed on King Lear
An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion (1571)
A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures
Edmund Ironside (MS 1, c.1590)
Basilikon Doron (Selections)
Jack Juggler (Quarto 2)
Jack Juggler (Quarto 1)
Kings of Britain
Kemp's Nine Days' Wonder
Kemp's Nine Days' Wonder (Quarto 1, 1600)
Kynge Johann (Old-spelling)
The Launching of the Mary (MS 1, 1632)
The Tragedy of Locrine (Third Folio, 1664)
The London Prodigal (Folio 3, 1664)
De Rerum Natura (Selections)
The Prince (Selection)
The Marriage Service
A Mirror for Magistrates
The Mirror for Magistrates (Selection)
John Higgins (Selection)
That to Study Philosopy Is to Learn to Die
The History of Sir John Oldcastle (Folio 3, 1664)
Sir John Oldcastle (Prologue)
The Sixteenth Century on War
Ovid's Metamorphoses (Selections)
Regnans in Excelsis: The Bull of Pope Pius V against Elizabeth (1570)
Life of Antony
The Comparison of Dion with Brutus
Life of Brutus
Life of Caesar
Aristotle on tragedy
Prefatory Materials (Folio 1, 1663)
Prefatory Materials (Folio 1, 1664)
The Puritan (Folio 3, 1664)
Robin Hood and the Beggar
Rosalind: Euphues' Golden Legacy
Selimus (Modern)
Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene (Selection)
Chronicles of England (Selection)
Virtuous and Godly Susanna (Susanna: Q1)
The Triumphant Widow (Quarto 1, 1677)
The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Modern)
The Pattern of Painful Adventures (Quarto)
John Warner: Albion's England (Selection)
The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)
The Adventures of Pericles (Modern)
Wit and Science (MS 1, c.1540)
The Whore of Babylon (Quarto, 1607)
The Passions of the Mind (Modern)
Youth (Quarto 2, 1557)
A Yorkshire Tragedy (Third Folio, 1664)