Internet Shakespeare Editions

Playing Many Parts: Models of Collaboration in an Electronic Edition

Panel for the Association for Computing in the Humanities

Victoria, BC, June 2005

KEYWORDS: "electronic edition", collaboration, Shakespeare
AUTHOR: Michael Best
AFFILIATION: University of Victoria
PARTICIPANTS: Michael Best, Jessica Slights, Peter van Hardenberg, Wendy Huot, Alan Galey
  1. Michael Best: "A Kind of Yeasty Collection: Organizing Collaboration in the Internet Shakespeare Editions"
  2. Jessica Slights: "Made Tame and Most Familiar: Adapting to the Medium of the E-text"
  3. Peter van Hardenberg: "Hierarchies and Treespaces: A Proposed Extension of XML"
  4. Wendy Huot: "Communicating with the Ivory Tower: Modeling Humanities Multimedia Data"
  5. Alan Galey: "Collaborating with the Future: Shakespeare and Preservation"
