Author: David Bevington
Peer Reviewed

DUKE SENIOR, a banished duke
ROSALIND, his daughter, later disguised as Ganymede
DUKE FREDERICK, Duke Senior's usurping brother
CELIA, his daughter, later disguised as Aliena

5OLIVER, son of Sir Rowland de Boys
JAQUES DE BOYS, son of Sir Rowland de Boys
ORLANDO, son of Sir Rowland de Boys

ADAM, an old servant in the household of Oliver
DENNIS, a servant of Oliver
LE BEAU, a foppish courtier in the court of Duke Frederick
CHARLES, a wrestler in the court of Duke Frederick

TOUCHSTONE, a clown or fool

AMIENS, a lord attending Duke Senior in exile
JAQUES, a malcontent satirist in the retinue of Duke Senior

15CORIN, an old shepherd
SILVIUS, a young shepherd enamored of Phoebe
PHOEBE, a shepherdess, disdainful of Silvius
WILLIAM, a country youth, a suitor to Audrey
AUDREY, a country wench
20SIR OLIVER MAR-TEXT, a country vicar

HYMEN, god of marriage

Lords and followers attending on Duke Senior and Duke Frederick

SCENE: Oliver's house; the court of Duke Frederick; and the Forest of Arden.