Shakespeare in Performance: Job Category
People who have held the position 'assistant stage manager'
: Film production
: Performance
- Abbie H. Katz
- … in Twelfth Night (1989, American Repertory Theatre, USA)
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (1985, American Repertory Theatre, USA) as 'Assisant Stage Manager'
- … in Measure for Measure (1983, American Repertory Theatre, USA)
- Alishia Harris
- Alison Hassman
- Alison Latimer
- Amanda M. Harland
- Amanda Smith
- Amber Kunde
- Amerins Tolman
- Amy A. Snyder
- Amy Bertacini
- Amy Cole
- Amy James
- Amy L. Luckow
- Amy L. Temple
- … in Romeo and Juliet (1990, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Assistant Stage Manager/Fight Captain'
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (1989, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- Amy M. Scura
- Andrew Bolton
- Angela Gann
- Angie Moy
- Ann Pullum
- Ann Sylvester
- Ann Walsh
- Anne Cigleris
- Anne S. King
- Anthony Wade-Cooper
- … in The Tempest (2014, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Antony Rudie
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (1985, American Repertory Theatre, USA)
- … in Measure for Measure (1983, American Repertory Theatre, USA) as 'Assistant to the Stage Managers'
- April Land
- … in Henry IV, Part 1 (2000, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in The Tempest (2000, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Measure for Measure (1999, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Arika Dumas
- Becky Votrobek
- Ben Shipley
- Benjamin Kleinman
- Benjamin Royer
- Beth Grieve
- … in The Merchant of Venice (2004, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada)
- … in Twelfth Night (2004, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada)
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (2003, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Festival Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Henry V (2003, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Festival Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Bethany Felts
- Bradley Casey
- Bradley J. Casey
- Brandon Prendergast
- Brent Tierney
- Bret Torbeck
- Bruno Gonsalves
- Cailin MacDonald
- Cali Vandyk-Dunlevy
- Candice Charney
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (2005, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Romeo and Juliet (2005, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in The Merchant of Venice (2004, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Twelfth Night (2004, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Carol Alleman
- Carole McKenna
- Caroline Moore
- Cary Louise Gillett
- Cassandra Mahony
- Cassie Wolgamott
- Catherine Bartholomew
- Che Wernsman
- Chris A. Code
- Chris Nielsen
- Christine Bennett
- … in Twelfth Night (1995, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Macbeth (1994, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Hamlet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Richard III (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Romeo and Juliet (1993, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Hamlet (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in Richard III (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- … in The Merchant of Venice (1992, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Australia)
- Christine C. Willis
- Christine Martens
- Christopher Moneymaker
- … in Epicene, or The Silent Woman (2014, American Shakespeare Center, USA) as 'Properties Master/Assistant Stage Manager/Understudy'
- … in The Maid's Tragedy (2014, American Shakespeare Center, USA) as 'Properties Master/Assistant Stage Manager/Understudy'
- … in Timon of Athens (2014, American Shakespeare Center, USA) as 'Properties Master/Assistant Stage Manager/Understudy'
- Cindy Shaw
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Macbeth (1999, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Corinne Richards
- Crystal Skinner
- Cynthia Toushan
- Dana DePaul
- Daniel Sivils
- Dariece S. Kirby
- David Anderson
- David Eckels
- David Reichhold
- David W. Wieken
- … in King Lear (1997, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Assisstant Stage Manager'
- Denise Chapman
- Denise Hansen
- Deonna Dykes
- … in Romeo & Juliet (2013, USA) as 'Assustant Stage Manager'
- Diane Tesitor
- Douglas Instenes
- Douglas Studt
- Ed Fitzgerald
- Edward Pedersen
- Elena Hein
- Elisabeth Richter
- … in Richard III (2005, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany) as 'Assistant Stage and Costumes (Assistentin Bühne und Kostüme)'
- Elisha Griego
- Elizabeth McDermott
- Emily Smith
- Emma Pihl
- Erik E. Hedblom
- Erin Cass
- Erin Daly
- Erin King
- Erin Pepmeyer
- Esther Emery
- Esther Howie
- Fred Strange
- Galia Goodwin
- Gill Perkins
- Gill Webley
- Gin Juanicotena
- … in All's Well That Ends Well (2000, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Ginny Hack
- Gordon M. Wickstrom
- Greg Bailey
- Gregg Simmons
- Greta Marie Zandstra
- Grit von Zeschau
- … in Was Ihr Wollt (1993, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany) as 'Assistant for Stage (Assistenz für Bühne)'
- Gwen Turos
- H. Lloyd Carbaugh
- Hannah Read
- Hannah. R. O'Neil
- Harriet Eager
- Heather Marie Smith
- Hillary Davis
- Holly Korhonen
- Iain Sammut
- Ivonne-Theodora Storm-Buchel
- … in Romeo und Julia (2004, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany) as 'Assistant Stage and Costumes (Assistentin B�hne und Kost�'
- J. Ryan Kirk
- Jacqueline Noguera
- Jacqueline Woodward
- Jake Witlen
- Jamie Hill
- Jana Feiler
- … in König Lear (1992, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany) as 'Assistant for Stage (Assistenz für Bühnenbild)'
- Jane Liddy
- Jason Santti
- Jeb Gordon
- Jeff Dale
- Jeff McLaughlin
- Jeffery Hsu
- … in Much Ado About Nothing (2004, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in The Merry Wives of Windsor (2004, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Jeffrey A. Murphy
- Jeffrey Goodman
- Jemma Carpenter
- Jennifer Bruce
- Jennifer Falbo
- Jennifer Kimball
- Jennifer Schenk
- Jennifer Stewart
- … in The Merchant of Venice (2017, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Jenny Slattery
- Jerry Onik
- Jessamyn D. Rae
- Jessica Hutchinson
- Jessica Wong
- Jill Wagner
- Joanne P. B. Smith
- Jodi Briscoe
- Jody James
- Jody Longworth
- John Carew
- John Forbes
- Joshua Smith
- … in Merry Wives of Windsor (2011, Annapolis Shakespeare Company, USA) as 'Joshua Smith'
- Joshua Smith
- Judy Elsner
- Julie Miles
- K. David Cochran
- K. Wynne West
- Kaitlin Kitzmiller
- Karen Meyer
- Karyn Sobczak
- Kasey Parry
- Kat Campbell
- … in Richard III (2006, Phoenix Theatre, University of Victoria, Canada) as 'Senior Assistant Stage Manager'
- Kate Kilbane
- Kate Stockwell
- Katherine Arcus
- Kathleen Reeves
- Kathleen White
- Kathy Plamondon
- Kaylee Roach
- … in The Comedy of Errors (2014, Flatwater Shakespeare Company, USA) as 'Production Assistant'
- Kelly Barker
- … in Romeo and Juliet (2016, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Merry Wives of Windsor (2016, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (2014, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Tempest (2014, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Measure for Measure (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in As You Like It (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Comedy of Errors (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in The Merchant of Venice (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Kelly W. Terrell
- Kelly Wyckoff
- … in Timon of Athens (2011, The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, USA) as 'Assistant to the Stage Manager'
- Kevin Borngrebe
- Kimberley Jean Barry
- Kimberly Ann McCann
- Kirsten Ward
- Klare Roger
- Kristen Littlepage
- Krystal Anne Kremla
- Kyle Muhle
- Lance Glenn
- Laura Kennedy
- Laura Knudson
- Laura Steib
- Laura Wendt
- Laurellie-Suesanne Jacobs
- … in Richard III (1983, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Lauren V. Hickman
- Lee Haring
- Leslie L. Nottingham
- Lia Vollack
- Libby Lind
- Lindsey Miller
- Lisa Chernoff
- Lisa Cook
- Lisa Phillippe
- … in Henry V (2002, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Twelfth Night (2002, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Lisa Vining
- Liz Perez
- Liza Hackman
- Lizzy Mills
- Lori Harper
- Lou Giamelle
- Luan Nordeen
- Luke Peters
- Lynn May Mirfield
- … in The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2001, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Maddy Jahn
- Mandy Clarke
- Marci Auerbach
- Marcus L. Martin
- Mark Robin Reiff
- Martina Ehleiter
- … in Was Ihr Wollt (2007, Theater Basel, Switzerland) as 'Stage Assistant (Bühnenbildassistenz)'
- Mary G. Evans
- Mary H. Corrales-Diaz
- Mary J. Evans
- Mary Jane Probst
- Mary Steinmetz
- Marya Schulman
- Matthew Lutz
- Maureen Sawasy
- … in Antony and Cleopatra (2001, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in The Taming of the Shrew (2001, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Maurya Wickstrom
- Maya Branyik-Thornton
- … in Measure for Measure (2013, Victoria Shakespeare Society, Canada) as 'Assistant Stage Manger'
- Megan Ripp
- Melanie Ogilvie
- Melissa Alexander
- Melissa Garner
- Melissa Robertson
- Melissa Rood
- Michael F. Kasdan
- Michael Mendelson
- … in King Lear (1992, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Second Assistant Stage Manager'
- Michael Rowe
- Michele Harms
- Mike Bollow
- Milton Biles
- Moira Gleason
- Monica Moore
- Ms. Rebecca Craster
- … in The Winter's Tale (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Troilus and Cressida (2006, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Hamlet (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Much Ado About Nothing (2004, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Merry Wives of Windsor (2004, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Comedy of Errors (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in The Merchant of Venice (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada)
- … in Cymbeline (2002, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Nicole Cannon
- Nicole Hannah
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Osborne A. Brines
- Pamela H. Mercker
- Peggy Browne
- Penny Goersmeyer
- Pennylyn Goersmeyer
- Perry Trouver
- Peter Jotkus
- Peter W. Allen
- R. Philip Dow
- Rachel Bland
- … in Hamlet (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Rachel O'Neill
- Randolph Head
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (1980, American Repertory Theatre, USA) as 'Assistant to the Stage Manager'
- Rebecca Bateman
- Rebecca Eamon
- Rebecca Egeland
- Rebecca Goldstein
- Rebecca S. Fleming
- Rebecca Saporito
- Rebekah Johnson
- Regina Oliver
- Renee Cortner
- Renee M. Johnson
- Richelle Buchmiller
- … in Timon of Athens (2011, The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, USA) as 'Assistant to the Stage Manager'
- Robert Cannon
- … in As You Like It (1990, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Assistant Stage Manager/Fight Captain'
- Robin Bancroft-Wilson
- … in As You Like It (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- … in Love's Labour's Lost (2005, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Roger Mahn
- Ross Manhart
- Rudolf E. Vest Jr.
- Ruth Bruhn
- Sam Middleton
- … in Henry V (1995, American Repertory Theatre, USA) as 'Assistant Stage Manger'
- Samara Van Nostrand
- … in Pericles, Prince of Tyre (2003, Bard on the Beach, Canada) as 'Apprentice Stage Manager'
- Sara Venaglia
- Selena Anguiano
- Shafirun Alli
- Shannon Grimes
- Shannon Habenicht
- Shari Silberglitt
- Sharon Rum
- Sharyn Studstill
- Shawn McDonald
- Simon Reis
- Sophie Quist
- Stefanie Robyn Fink
- Stephanie Bewlay
- Stephanie DuLaney
- Stephanie Ehemann
- Stephanie Weller
- Steven McDonald
- Susan Doyle
- Susan Rawlings
- Susan White
- Susanne Tobisch
- … in Die Zähmung der Widerspenstigen (2001, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany) as 'Assistant for Stage and Costumes (Assistentin für Bühne und Kostüme)'
- Suzette Lynn Taylor
- T. Kathleen Pagel
- Tatiana Gomberg
- Thomas A. Abbey
- Thomas Behrens
- Thomas Corbett
- Thomas M. Kauffman
- Thomas Miller
- Thomas Traband
- Tom Lenaghen
- Tom Madden, III
- Tom Markus
- Tom Mitchell
- Tom R. Ryan
- … in Antony and Cleopatra (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Life and Death of King John (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Measure for Measure (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Twelfth Night (1959, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in King Lear (1958, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Merchant of Venice (1958, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Much Ado About Nothing (1958, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- … in Troilus and Cressida (1958, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, USA)
- Tom Rowan
- … in All's Well That Ends Well (1981, Colorado Shakespeare Festival, USA) as 'Assistant to the Stage Manager'
- Tom Sibbitt
- Tracey Byrne
- … in A Midsummer Night's Dream (2003, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Festival Assistant Stage Manager'
- … in Henry V (2003, River City Shakespeare Festival/Free Will Players, Canada) as 'Festival Assistant Stage Manager'
- Tracy Cunningham
- Tracy Skoczelas
- Travis Swartz
- Trish McAdams
- Ursina Luther
- Victoria Sewell
- Vincent Ku
- Violeta Picayo
- Viv Rosman
- Wai Yim
- Wayne Paquette
- Wendy Chapin
- Wendy Hamilton
- Wesley Houston
- William V. Greenspan
- Zeph Williams