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  • Title: Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)
  • Editor: Catherine Lisak
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-436-3

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Catherine Lisak
    Peer Reviewed

    Richard II (Quarto 1, 1597)

    of King Richard the second.
    I slewe him not but to my own disgrace,
    Neglected my sworne duety in that case:
    140For you my noble Lord of Lancaster,
    The honourable father to my foe,
    Once did I lay an ambushe for your life,
    A trespasse that doth vex my grieued soule:
    Ah but ere I last receiude the Sacrament,
    145I did confesse it, and exactly begd
    Your graces pardon, and I hope I had it.
    This is my fault, as for the rest appeald
    It issues from the rancour of a villaine,
    A recreant and most degenerate traitour,
    150Which in my selfe I boldly will defende,
    And enterchangeably hurle downe my gage
    Vpon this ouerweening traitors foote,
    To proue my selfe a loyal Gentleman,
    Euen in the best bloud chamberd in his bosome,
    155In haste wherof most hartily I pray
    Your highnes to assigne our triall day.
    King. Wrath kindled gentleman be ruled by me,
    Lets purge this choler without letting bloud,
    This we prescribe though no Phisition,
    160Deepe malice makes too deepe incision,
    Forget, forgiue, conclude and be agreed,
    Our doctors say, this is no month to bleede:
    Good Vnckle let this ende where it begonne,
    Weele calme the Duke of Norfolke, you your sonne.
    165Gaunt. To be a make-peace shal become my age,
    Throw downe (my sonne) the Duke of Norfolkes gage.
    King. And Norfolke throw downe his.
    Gaunt. When Harry? when obedience bids,
    Obedience bids I should not bid againe.
    170King. Norfolke throw downe we bid, there is no boote.
    Mow. My selfe I throw dread soueraigne at thy foote,
    My life thou shalt command, but not my shame,
    The one my duety owes, but my faire name
    175Despight of death that liues vpon my graue,