Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Diane Jakacki
  • Research assistant: Beth Norris
  • Research assistant (proof): Simon Carpenter

  • Copyright Diane Jakacki. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Diane Jakacki
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry The Eighth (Folio 1, 1623)

    The Life of King Henry the Eight.
    210This Ipswich fellowes insolence; or proclaime,
    There's difference in no persons.
    Norf. Be aduis'd;
    Heat not a Furnace for your foe so hot
    That it do sindge your selfe. We may out-runne
    215By violent swiftnesse that which we run at;
    And lose by ouer-running: know you not,
    The fire that mounts the liquor til't run ore,
    In seeming to augment it, wasts it: be aduis'd;
    I say againe there is no English Soule
    220More stronger to direct you then your selfe;
    If with the sap of reason you would quench,
    Or but allay the fire of passion.
    Buck. Sir,
    I am thankfull to you, and Ile goe along
    225By your prescription: but this top-proud fellow,
    Whom from the flow of gall I name not, but
    From sincere motions, by Intelligence,
    And proofes as cleere as Founts in Iuly, when
    Wee see each graine of grauell; I doe know
    230To be corrupt and treasonous.
    Norf. Say not treasonous.
    Buck. To th'King Ile say't, & make my vouch as strong
    As shore of Rocke: attend. This holy Foxe,
    Or Wolfe, or both (for he is equall rau'nous
    235As he is subtile, and as prone to mischiefe,
    As able to perform't) his minde, and place
    Infecting one another, yea reciprocally,
    Only to shew his pompe, as well in France,
    As here at home, suggests the King our Master
    240To this last costly Treaty: Th'enteruiew,
    That swallowed so much treasure, and like a glasse
    Did breake ith'wrenching.
    Norf. Faith, and so it did.
    Buck. Pray giue me fauour Sir: This cunning Cardinall
    245The Articles o'th'Combination drew
    As himselfe pleas'd; and they were ratified
    As he cride thus let be, to as much end,
    As giue a Crutch to th'dead. But our Count-Cardinall
    Has done this, and tis well: for worthy Wolsey
    250(Who cannot erre) he did it. Now this followes,
    (Which as I take it, is a kinde of Puppie
    To th'old dam Treason) Charles the Emperour,
    Vnder pretence to see the Queene his Aunt,
    (For twas indeed his colour, but he came
    255To whisper Wolsey) here makes visitation,
    His feares were that the Interview betwixt
    England and France, might through their amity
    Breed him some preiudice; for from this League,
    Peep'd harmes that menac'd him. Priuily
    260Deales with our Cardinal, and as I troa
    Which I doe well; for I am sure the Emperour
    Paid ere he promis'd, whereby his Suit was granted
    Ere it was ask'd. But when the way was made
    And pau'd with gold: the Emperor thus desir'd,
    265That he would please to alter the Kings course,
    And breake the foresaid peace. Let the King know
    (As soone he shall by me) that thus the Cardinall
    Does buy and sell his Honour as he pleases,
    And for his owne aduantage.
    270Norf. I am sorry
    To heare this of him; and could wish he were
    Somthing mistaken in't.
    Buck. No, not a sillable:
    I doe pronounce him in that very shape
    275He shall appeare in proofe.
    Enter Brandon, a Sergeant at Armes before him, and
    two or three of the Guard.
    Brandon. Your Office Sergeant: execute it.
    Sergeant. Sir,
    280My Lord the Duke of Buckingham, and Earle
    Of Hertford, Stafford and Northampton, I
    Arrest thee of High Treason, in the name
    Of our most Soueraigne King.
    Buck. Lo you my Lord,
    285The net has falne vpon me, I shall perish
    Vnder deuice, and practise.
    Bran. I am sorry,
    To see you tane from liberty, to looke on
    The busines present. Tis his Highnes pleasure
    290You shall to th'Tower.
    Buck. It will helpe me nothing
    To plead mine Innocence; for that dye is on me
    Which makes my whit'st part, black. The will of Heau'n
    Be done in this and all things: I obey.
    295O my Lord Aburgany: Fare you well.
    Bran. Nay, he must beare you company. The King
    Is pleas'd you shall to th'Tower, till you know
    How he determines further.
    Abur. As the Duke said,
    300The will of Heauen be done, and the Kings pleasure
    By me obey'd.
    Bran. Here is a warrant from
    The King, t'attach Lord Mountacute, and the Bodies
    Of the Dukes Confessor, Iohn de la Car,
    305One Gilbert Pecke, his Councellour.
    Buck. So, so;
    These are the limbs o'th'Plot: no more I hope.
    Bra. A Monke o'th'Chartreux.
    Buck. O Michaell Hopkins?
    310Bra. He.
    Buck. My Surueyor is falce: The ore-great Cardinall
    Hath shew'd him gold; my life is spand already:
    I am the shadow of poore Buckingham,
    Whose Figure euen this instant Clowd puts on,
    315By Darkning my cleere Sunne. My Lords farewell. Exe.

    Scena Secunda.

    Cornets. Enter King Henry, leaning on the Cardinals shoul-
    der, the Nobles, and Sir Thomas Louell: the Cardinall
    places himselfe vnder the Kings feete on
    320his right side.
    King. My life it selfe, and the best heart of it,
    Thankes you for this great care: I stood i'th'leuell
    Of a full-charg'd confederacie, and giue thankes
    To you that choak'd it. Let be cald before vs
    325That Gentleman of Buckinghams, in person,
    Ile heare him his confessions iustifie,
    And point by point the Treasons of his Maister,
    He shall againe relate.
    A noyse within crying roome for the Queene, vsher'd by the
    330Duke of Norfolke. Enter the Queene, Norfolke and
    Suffolke: she kneels. King riseth from his State,
    takes her vp, kisses and placeth
    her by him.
    Queen. Nay, we must longer kneele; I am a Suitor.
    335King. Arise, and take place by vs; halfe your Suit
    Neuer name to vs; you haue halfe our power:
