Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Galathea (Modern)
  • Editor: David Bevington

  • Copyright David Bevington. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: John Lyly
    Editor: David Bevington
    Peer Reviewed

    Galathea (Modern)

    215[Enter] Galathea alone.
    Blush, Galatea, that must frame thy affection fit for thy habit, and therefore be thought immodest because thou art unfortunate! Thy tender years cannot dissemble this deceit, nor thy sex bear it. Oh, would the gods had made me as I seem to be, or that I might safely be what I seem not! Thy father doteth, Galatea, whose blind love corrupteth his fond 220judgment, and, jealous of thy death, seemeth to dote on thy beauty; whose fond care carrieth his partial eye as far from truth as his heart is from falsehood. But why dost thou blame him, or blab what thou art, when thou shouldst only counterfeit what thou art not? But whist! Here cometh a lad. I will learn of him how to behave myself.
    [She stands aside.]
    225[Enter Phillida in man's attire.
    [To herself] I neither like my gate nor my garments: the one untoward, the other unfit, both unseemly. O Phillida! But yonder stayeth one, and therefore say nothing. But O Phillida !
    [Aside, seeing Phillida] I perceive that boys are in as great disliking of 230themselves as maids. Therefore, though I wear the apparel, I am glad I am not the person.
    [Aside] It is a pretty boy and a fair. He might well have been a woman, but because he is not, I am glad I am; for now, under the color of my coat, I shall decipher the follies of their kind.
    [Aside] I would salute him, but I fear I should make a curtsy instead of a leg.
    [Aside] If I durst trust my face as well as I do my habit, I would spend some time to make pastime; for, say what they will of a man's wit, it is no second thing to be a woman.
    [Aside] All the blood in my body would be in my face, if he should ask me (as the question among men is common), "Are you a maid?"
    [Aside] Why stand I still? Boys should be bold. But here cometh a brave train that will spill all our talk.
    [Enter Diana, Telusa, and Eurota. [They are hunting.]
    [To Galatea] God speed, fair boy.
    You are deceived, lady.
    Why, are you no boy?
    No fair boy.
    But I see an unhappy boy.
    Saw you not the deer come this way? He flew down the wind, and I believe you have blanched him.
    Whose deer was it, lady?
    Diana's deer.
    I saw none but mine own dear.
    [To Diana] This wag is wanton or a fool! Ask the other, Diana.
    [Aside] I know not how it cometh to pass, but yonder boy 255is in mine eye too beautiful. I pray the gods the ladies think him not their dear!
    [To Phillida] Pretty lad, do your sheep feed in the forest, or are you strayed from your flock, or on purpose come ye to mar Diana's pastime?
    I understand not one word you speak.
    What, art thou neither lad nor shepherd?
    My mother said I could be no lad till I was twenty year old, nor keep sheep till I could tell them; and therefore, lady, neither lad nor shepherd is here.
    [To Diana] These boys are both agreed. Either they are very pleasant or too perverse. You were best, lady, make them tusk these woods, whilst we stand with our bows, and so use them as beagles since they have so good mouths.
    I will.[To Phillida] Follow me without delay or excuse, and, if you can do nothing, yet shall you halloo the deer.
    I am willing to go --[Aside] not for these ladies' company, because myself am a virgin, but for that fair boy's favor, who I think be a god.
    [To Galatea] You, sir boy, shall also go.
    270Galathea I must if you command --[Aside] and would if you had not.