Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Edward III (Modern)
  • Editors: Amy Lidster, Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai and Amy Lidster. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editors: Amy Lidster, Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Modern)

    [Scene 13]
    Enter King John and Charles.
    King John
    A sudden darkness hath defaced the sky,
    The winds are crept into their caves for fear,
    2085The leaves move not, the world is hushed and still,
    The birds cease singing, and the wand'ring brooks
    Murmur no wonted greeting to their shores;
    Silence attends some wonder, and expecteth
    That heaven should pronounce some prophecy.
    2090Where or from whom proceeds this silence, Charles?
    Our men with open mouths and staring eyes
    Look on each other, as they did attend
    Each other's words, and yet no creature speaks.
    A tongue-tied fear hath made a midnight hour,
    2095And speeches sleep through all the waking regions.
    King John
    But now the pompous sun in all his pride
    Looked through his golden coach upon the world,
    And on a sudden hath he hid himself
    That now the under earth is as a grave:
    2100Dark, deadly, silent, and uncomfortable.
    A clamor of ravens.
    Hark, what a deadly outcry do I hear?
    [Enter Philip.]
    Here comes my brother, Philip.
    King John
    All dismayed.
    What fearful words are those thy looks presage?
    A flight, a flight!
    2105King John
    Coward, what flight? Thou liest -- there needs no flight.
    A flight!
    King John
    Awake thy craven powers, and tell on
    The substance of that very fear indeed
    Which is so ghastly printed in thy face.
    2110What is the matter?
    A flight of ugly ravens
    Do croak and hover o'er our soldiers' heads,
    And keep in triangles and cornered squares
    Right as our forces are embattled.
    2115With their approach there came this sudden fog,
    Which now hath hid the airy flower of heaven
    And made at noon a night unnatural
    Upon the quaking and dismayèd world.
    In brief, our soldiers have let fall their arms
    2120And stand like metamorphosed images,
    Bloodless and pale, one gazing on another.
    King John
    Ay, now I call to mind the prophecy,
    But I must give no entrance to a fear.
    Return and hearten up these yielding souls:
    2125Tell them the ravens, seeing them in arms --
    So many fair against a famished few --
    Come but to dine upon their handiwork
    And prey upon the carrion that they kill.
    For when we see a horse laid down to die,
    2130Although not dead, the ravenous birds
    Sit watching the departure of his life;
    Even so these ravens for the carcasses
    Of those poor English that are marked to die
    Hover about, and if they cry to us
    2135'Tis but for meat that we must kill for them.
    Away, and comfort up my soldiers,
    And sound the trumpets, and at once dispatch
    This little business of a silly fraud.
    Exit Philip.
    Another noise; Salisbury brought in by a 2140French Captain.
    French Captain
    Behold, my liege, this knight and forty more,
    Of whom the better part are slain and fled,
    With all endeavor sought to break our ranks
    And make their way to the encompassed Prince.
    2145Dispose of him as please your majesty.
    King John
    Go, and the next bough, soldier, that thou seest,
    Disgrace it with his body presently;
    For I do hold a tree in France too good,
    To be the gallows of an English thief.
    My lord of Normandy, I have your pass
    And warrant for my safety through this land.
    Villiers procured it for thee, did he not?
    He did.
    And it is current; thou shalt freely pass.
    2155King John
    Ay, freely to the gallows to be hanged,
    Without denial or impediment.
    Away with him.
    I hope your highness will not so disgrace me
    And dash the virtue of my seal at arms.
    2160He hath my never-broken name to show,
    Charact'red with this princely hand of mine;
    And rather let me leave to be a prince
    Than break the stable verdict of a prince.
    I do beseech you let him pass in quiet.
    2165King John
    Thou and thy word lie both in my command.
    What canst thou promise that I cannot break?
    Which of these twain is greater infamy:
    To disobey thy father or thy self?
    Thy word, nor no man's, may exceed his power,
    2170Nor that same man doth never break his word
    That keeps it to the utmost of his power.
    The breach of faith dwells in the soul's consent,
    Which if thyself without consent do break
    Thou art not chargèd with the breach of faith.
    2175Go, hang him; for thy licence lies in me,
    And my constraint stands the excuse for thee.
    What, am I not a soldier in my word?
    Then arms, adieu, and let them fight that list.
    Shall I not give my girdle from my waist,
    2180But with a guardian I shall be controlled
    To say I may not give my things away?
    Upon my soul, had Edward Prince of Wales
    Engaged his word, writ down his noble hand
    For all your knights to pass his father's land,
    2185The royal King, to grace his warlike son,
    Would not alone safe conduct give to them,
    But with all bounty feasted them and theirs.
    King John
    Dwellst thou on precedents? Then be it so.
    Say, Englishman, of what degree thou art.
    An earl in England, though a prisoner here,
    And those that know me call me Salisbury.
    King John
    Then, Salisbury, say whither thou art bound.
    To Calais, where my liege, King Edward, is.
    King John
    To Calais, Salisbury? Then to Calais pack,
    2195And bid the King prepare a noble grave
    To put his princely son, black Edward, in.
    And as thou travelst westward from this place,
    Some two leagues hence there is a lofty hill
    Whose top seems topless, for the embracing sky
    2200Doth hide his high head in her azure bosom;
    Upon whose tall top, when thy foot attains,
    Look back upon the humble vale beneath,
    Humble of late, but now made proud with arms,
    And thence behold the wretched Prince of Wales
    2205Hooped with a bond of iron round about.
    After which sight, to Calais spur amain
    And say the Prince was smothered and not slain;
    And tell the King this is not all his ill
    For I will greet him ere he thinks I will.
    2210Away, be gone! The smoke but of our shot
    Will choke our foes, though bullets hit them not.