Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Apollonius of Tyre
  • Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg

  • Copyright Tom Bishop and Andrew Forsberg. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: John Gower
    Editors: Tom Bishop, Andrew Forsberg
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Apollonius of Tyre

    1300[Qualiter Appolinus Tharsim nauigans, filiam suam Thaisim Strangulioni et Dionisie vxori sue educandam commendauit; et deinde Tyrum adiit, vbi cum inestimabili gaudio a suis receptus est.]
    How Appolinus, saling to Tharsis, entrusted his daughter Thaisis to Stranguilio and Dionisiam his wife to be brought up; and then came to Tyre, where he was received with immeasurable joy by his people.
    Bot now ayeinward forto telle
    In what plit that hire lord stod inne:
    He seileth, til that he may winne
    The havene of Tharse, as I seide er;
    1305And whanne he was aryved ther,
    And it was thurgh the Cite knowe,
    Men myhte se withinne a throwe,
    As who seith, al the toun at ones,
    That come ayein him for the nones,
    1310To yiven him the reverence,
    So glad thei were of his presence:
    And thogh he were in his corage
    Desesed, yit with glad visage
    He made hem chiere, and to his In,
    1315Wher he whilom sojourned in,
    He goth him straght and was resceived.
    And whan the presse of poeple is weived,
    He takth his hoste unto him tho,
    And seith, "Mi frend Strangulio,
    1320Lo, thus and thus it is befalle,
    And thou thiself art on of alle,
    Forth with thi wif, whiche I most triste.
    Forthi, if it you bothe liste,
    My doghter Thaise be youre leve
    1325I thenke schal with you beleve
    As for a time; and thus I preie,
    That sche be kept be alle weie,
    And whan sche hath of age more,
    That sche be set to bokes lore.
    1330And this avou to god I make,
    That I schal nevere for hir sake
    Mi berd for no likinge schave,
    Til it befalle that I have
    In covenable time of age
    1335Beset hire unto mariage."
    Thus thei acorde, and al is wel,
    And forto resten him somdel,
    As for a while he ther sojorneth,
    And thanne he takth his leve and torneth
    1340To Schipe, and goth him hom to Tyr,
    Wher every man with gret desir
    Awaiteth upon his comynge.
    Bot whan the Schip com in seilinge,
    And thei perceiven it is he,
    1345Was nevere yit in no cite
    Such joie mad as thei tho made;
    His herte also began to glade
    Of that he sih the poeple glad.
    Lo, thus fortune his hap hath lad;
    1350In sondri wise he was travailed,
    Bot hou so evere he be assailed,
    His latere ende schal be good.