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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Alarmes within, and the chambers be discharged, like as it
    2168.1 were a fight at sea. And then enter the Captaine of the ship
    and the Maister, and the Maisters Mate, & the Duke of Suf-
    2169.1 folke disguised, and others with him, and Water Whick-
    Cap. Bring forward these prisoners that scorn'd to yeeld,
    2177.1Vnlade their goods with speed and sincke their ship,
    Here Maister, this prisoner I giue to you.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    This other, the Maisters Mate shall haue,
    And Water Whickmore thou shalt haue this man,
    2183.1And let them paie their ransomes ere they passe.
    Suffolke. Water! He starteth.
    2200Water. How now, what doest feare me?
    Thou shalt haue better cause anon.
    Suf. It is thy name affrights me, not thy selfe.
    I do remember well, a cunning Wyssard told me,
    That by Water I should die:
    2205Yet let not that make thee bloudie minded.
    Thy name being rightly sounded,
    2206.1Is Gualter, not Water.
    VVater. Gualter or Water, als one to me,
    2207.1I am the man must bring thee to thy death.
    Suf. I am a Gentleman looke on my Ring,
    Ransome me at what thou wilt, it shalbe paid.
    VVater. I lost mine eye in boording of the ship,
    2195And therefore ere I marchantlike sell blood for gold,
    Then cast me headlong downe into the sea.
    2. Priso. But what shall our ransomes be?
    2185Mai. A hundreth pounds a piece, either paie that or die.
    2. Priso. Then saue our liues, it shall be paid.
    2186.1VVater. Come sirrha, thy life shall be the ransome
    I will haue.
    Suff. Staie villaine, thy prisoner is a Prince,
    The Duke of Suffolke, William de la Poull.
    2215Cap. The Duke of Suffolke folded vp in rags.
    Suf. I sir, but these rags are no part of the Duke,
    2216.1Ioue sometime went disguisde, and why not I?
    Cap. I but Ioue was neuer slaine as thou shalt be.
    2217.1Suf. Base Iadie groome, King Henries blood
    The honourable blood of Lancaster,
    2220Cannot be shead by such a lowly swaine,
    I am sent Ambassador for the Queene to France,
    I charge thee waffe me crosse the channell safe.
    Cap. Ile waffe thee to thy death, go Water take him hence,
    And on our long boates side, chop off his head.
    Suf. Thou darste not for thine owne.
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Cap. Yes Poull.
    2238.1 Suffolke. Poull.
    Cap. I Poull, puddle kennell, sinke and durt,
    Ile stop that yawning mouth of thine,
    Those lips of thine that so oft haue kist the
    2243.1Queene, shall sweepe the ground, and thou that
    Smildste at good Duke Humphreys death,
    2244.1Shalt liue no longer to infect the earth.
    Suffolke. This villain being but Captain of a Pinnais,
    2275Threatens more plagues then mightie Abradas,
    The great Masadonian Pyrate,
    2280Thy words addes fury and not remorse in me.
    2280.1Cap. I but my deeds shall staie thy fury soone.
    Suffolke. Hast not thou waited at my Trencher,
    When we haue feasted with Queene Margret?
    Hast not thou kist thy hand and held my stirrope?
    And barehead plodded by my footecloth Mule,
    And thought thee happie when I smilde on thee?
    This hand hath writ in thy defence,
    Then shall I charme thee, hold thy lauish toong.
    Cap. Away with him Water, I say, and off with his hed.
    1. Priso. Good my Lord, intreat him mildly for your life.
    2288.1Suffolke. First let this necke stoupe to the axes edge,
    Before this knee do bow to any,
    Saue to the God of heauen and to my King:
    Suffolkes imperiall toong cannot pleade
    To such a Iadie groome.
    2288.5Water. Come, come, why do we let him speake,
    I long to haue his head for raunsome of mine eye.
    Suffolk. A Swordar and bandeto slaue,
    Murthered sweete Tully.
    2305Brutus bastard-hand stabde Iulius Caesar,
    And Suffolke dies by Pyrates on the seas.
    Exet Suffolke, and VVater.
    Cap. Off with his head, and send it to the Queene,
    2313.1And ransomelesse this prisoner shall go free,
    To see it safe deliuered vnto her.
    Come lets goe. Exet omnes.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.