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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Enter two Petitioners, and Peter the
    385Armourers man.
    1. Peti. Come sirs let vs linger here abouts a while,
    Vntill my Lord Protector come this way,
    That we may show his grace our seuerall causes.
    2. Peti. I pray God saue the good Duke Humphries life,
    390For but for him a many were vndone,
    390.1That cannot get no succour in the Court,
    But see where he comes with the Queene.
    Enter the Duke of Suffolke with the Queene, and they
    391.1take him for Duke Humphrey, and giues
    him their writings.
    1. Peti. Oh we are vndone, this is the Duke of Suffolke.
    Queene. Now good-fellowes, whom would you speak withall?
    2. Peti. If it please your Maiestie, with my Lord Protectors
    Queene. Are your sutes to his grace. Let vs see them first,
    400Looke on them my Lord of Suffolke.
    Suffolke. A complaint against the Cardinals man,
    401.1What hath he done?
    2. Peti. Marry my Lord, he hath stole away my wife,
    And th'are gone togither, and I know not where to finde them.
    Suffolke. Hath he stole thy wife, thats some iniury indeed.
    405But what say you?
    410Peter Thump. Marry sir I come to tel you that my maister said,
    that the Duke of Yorke was true heire vnto the Crowne, and
    that the King was an vsurer.
    412.1Queene. An vsurper thou wouldst say.
    Peter. I forsooth an vsurper.
    Queene. Didst thou say the King was an vsurper?
    415Peter. No forsooth, I saide my maister saide so, th'other day
    B2 when
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    415.1when we were scowring the Duke of Yorks Armour in our
    Suffolke. I marry this is something like,
    Whose within there?
    Enter one or two.
    Sirra take in this fellow and keepe him close,
    420And send out a Purseuant for his maister straight,
    Weele here more of this before the King.
    Exet with the Armourers man.
    421.1Now sir what yours? Let me see it,
    Whats here?
    A complaint against the Duke of Suffolke for enclosing the com-
    406.1 mons of long Melford.
    How now sir knaue.
    1. Peti. I beseech your grace to pardon me, me, I am but a
    Messenger for the whole town-ship.
    409.1He teares the papers.
    Suffolke. So now show your petitions to Duke Humphrey.
    Villaines get you gone and come not neare the Court,
    Dare these pesants write against me thus.
    Exet Petitioners.
    Queene. My Lord of Suffolke, you may see by this,
    The Commons loues vnto that haughtie Duke,
    That seekes to him more then to King Henry:
    433.1Whose eyes are alwaies poring on his booke,
    And nere regards the honour of his name,
    But still must be protected like a childe,
    435And gouerned by that ambitious Duke,
    435.1That scarse will moue his cap nor speake to vs,
    And his proud wife, high minded Elanor,
    That ruffles it with such a troupe of Ladies,
    465As strangers in the Court takes her for the Queene.
    470The other day she vanted to her maides,
    That the very traine of her worst gowne,
    Was worth more wealth then all my fathers lands,
    472.1Can any griefe of minde be like to this.
    I tell
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    I tell thee Poull, when thou didst runne at Tilt,
    And stolst away our Ladaies hearts in France,
    I thought King Henry had bene like to thee,
    439.1Or else thou hadst not brought me out of France.
    Suffolke. Madame content your selfe a litle while,
    As I was cause of your comming to England,
    So will I in England worke your full content:
    And as for proud Duke Humphrey and his wife,
    475I haue set lime-twigs that will intangle them,
    475.1As that your grace ere long shall vnderstand.
    But staie Madame, here comes the King.
    Enter King Henry, and the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of So-
    merset on both sides of the King, whispering with him, and en-
    490 ter Duke Humphrey, Dame Elnor, the Duke of Buckingham,
    490.1 the Earle of Salsbury, the Earle of Warwicke, and the Cardinall
    of VVinchester
    King. My Lords I care not who be Regent in France, or York,
    or Somerset, alls wonne to me.
    Yorke. My Lord, if Yorke haue ill demeande himselfe,
    Let Somerset enioy his place and go to France.
    495Somerset. Then whom your grace thinke worthie, let him go,
    And there be made the Regent ouer the French.
    VVarwicke. VVhom soeuer you account worthie,
    Yorke is the vvorthiest.
    Cardinall. Pease VVarwicke. Giue thy betters leaue to speake.
    500VVar. The Cardinals not my better in the field.
    Buc. All in this place are thy betters farre.
    VVar. And Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.
    502.1Queene. My Lord in mine opinion, it vvere best that Somerset
    vvere Regent ouer France.
    Humphrey. Madame onr King is old inough himselfe,
    To giue his ansvvere vvithout your consent.
    Queene. If he be old inough, vvhat needs your grace
    To be Protector ouer him so long.
    B3 Humphrey
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    510Humphrey. Madame I am but Protector ouer the land,
    And when it please his grace, I will resigne my charge.
    Suffolke. Resigne it then, for since that thou wast King,
    As who is King but thee. The common state
    Doth as we see, all wholly go to wracke,
    And Millions of treasure hath bene spent,
    And as for the Regentship of France,
    I say Somerset is more worthie then Yorke.
    560Yorke. Ile tell thee Suffolke why I am not worthie,
    Because I cannot flatter as thou canst.
    War. And yet the worthie deeds that York hath done,
    Should make him worthie to be honoured here.
    570Suffolke. Peace headstrong VVarwicke.
    VVar. Image of pride, wherefore should I peace?
    Suffolke. Because here is a man accusde of Treason,
    Pray God the Duke of Yorke do cleare himselfe.
    574.1Ho, bring hither the Armourer and his man.
    Enter the Armourer and his man.
    If it please your grace, this fellow here, hath accused his maister of
    580 high Treason, And his words were these.
    That the Duke of Yorke was lawfull heire vnto the Crowne, and
    that your grace was an vsurper.
    Yorke. I beseech your grace let him haue what punishment the
    592.1 the law will afford, for his villany.
    King. Come hether fellow, didst thou speake these words?
    Armour. Ant shall please your Maiestie, I neuer said any such
    585matter, God is my vvitnesse, I am falsly accused by this villain (here.
    Peter. Tis no matter for that, you did say so.
    Yorke. I beseech your grace, let him haue the lavv.
    Armour. Alasse my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the vvords,
    595 my accuser is my prentise, & vvhen I did correct him for his
    fault the other day, he did vovv vpon his knees that he vvould
    be euen vvith me, I haue good vvitnesse of this, and therefore
    I beseech your Maiestie do not cast avvay an honest man for
    a villaines accusation.
    600King. Vnckle Gloster, vvhat do you thinke of this?
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Humphrey. The lavv my Lord is this by case, it rests suspitious,
    That a day of combat be appointed,
    605And there to trie each others right or vvrong,
    605.1Which shall be on the thirtith of this month,
    With Eben staues, and Standbags combatting
    In Smythfield, before your Royall Maiestie.
    Exet Humphrey.
    Armour. And I accept the Combat vvillingly.
    610Peter. Alasse my Lord, I am not able to fight.
    Suffolke. You must either fight sirra or else be hangde:
    615Go take them hence againe to prison. Exet vvith them.
    530The Queene lets fall her gloue, and hits the Duches of
    530.1Gloster, a boxe on the eare.
    Queene. Giue me my gloue. Why Minion can you not see?
    529.1She strikes her.
    I cry you mercy Madame, I did mistake,
    531.1I did not thinke it had bene you.
    Elnor. Did you not proud French-vvoman,
    Could I come neare your daintie vissage vvith my nayles,
    Ide set my ten commandments in your face.
    535King. Be patient gentle Aunt.
    535.1It vvas against her vvill.
    Elnor. Against her vvill. Good King sheele dandle thee,
    If thou vvilt alvvaies thus be rulde by her.
    But let it rest. As sure as I do liue,
    She shall not strike dame Elnor vnreuengde.
    540Exet Elnor.
    540.1King. Beleeue me my loue, thou vvart much to blame,
    I vvould not for a thousand pounds of gold,
    My noble vnckle had bene here in place.
    Enter Duke Humphrey.
    546.1But see vvhere he comes, I am glad he met her not.
    Vnckle Gloster, vvhat ansvvere makes your grace
    600.1Concerning our Regent for the Realme of France,
    Whom thinks your grace is meetest for to send.
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Humphrey. My gratious Lord, then this is my resolue,
    601.1For that these words the Armourer should speake,
    Doth breed suspition on the part of Yorke,
    Let Somerset be Regent ouer the French,
    Till trials made, and Yorke may cleare himselfe.
    604.1King. Then be it so my Lord of Somerset.
    We make your grace Regent ouer the French,
    And to defend our rights gainst forraine foes,
    And so do good vnto the Realme of France.
    604.5Make hast my Lord, tis time that you were gone,
    The time of Truse I thinke is full expirde.
    Somerset. I humbly thanke your royall Maiestie,
    608.1And take my leaue to poste with speed to France.
    Exet Somerset.
    King. Come vnckle Gloster, now lets haue our horse,
    617.1For we will to Saint Albones presently,
    Madame your Hawke they say, is swift of flight,
    And we will trie how she will flie to day. Exet omnes.