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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    510Humphrey. Madame I am but Protector ouer the land,
    And when it please his grace, I will resigne my charge.
    Suffolke. Resigne it then, for since that thou wast King,
    As who is King but thee. The common state
    Doth as we see, all wholly go to wracke,
    And Millions of treasure hath bene spent,
    And as for the Regentship of France,
    I say Somerset is more worthie then Yorke.
    560Yorke. Ile tell thee Suffolke why I am not worthie,
    Because I cannot flatter as thou canst.
    War. And yet the worthie deeds that York hath done,
    Should make him worthie to be honoured here.
    570Suffolke. Peace headstrong VVarwicke.
    VVar. Image of pride, wherefore should I peace?
    Suffolke. Because here is a man accusde of Treason,
    Pray God the Duke of Yorke do cleare himselfe.
    574.1Ho, bring hither the Armourer and his man.
    Enter the Armourer and his man.
    If it please your grace, this fellow here, hath accused his maister of
    580 high Treason, And his words were these.
    That the Duke of Yorke was lawfull heire vnto the Crowne, and
    that your grace was an vsurper.
    Yorke. I beseech your grace let him haue what punishment the
    592.1 the law will afford, for his villany.
    King. Come hether fellow, didst thou speake these words?
    Armour. Ant shall please your Maiestie, I neuer said any such
    585matter, God is my vvitnesse, I am falsly accused by this villain (here.
    Peter. Tis no matter for that, you did say so.
    Yorke. I beseech your grace, let him haue the lavv.
    Armour. Alasse my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the vvords,
    595 my accuser is my prentise, & vvhen I did correct him for his
    fault the other day, he did vovv vpon his knees that he vvould
    be euen vvith me, I haue good vvitnesse of this, and therefore
    I beseech your Maiestie do not cast avvay an honest man for
    a villaines accusation.
    600King. Vnckle Gloster, vvhat do you thinke of this?