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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)

    The second Part of Henry the Sixt.121
    To keepe by policy what Henrie got:
    Haue you your selues, Somerset, Buckingham,
    Braue Yorke, Salisbury, and victorious Warwicke,
    Receiud deepe scarres in France and Normandie:
    95Or hath mine Vnckle Beauford, and my selfe,
    With all the Learned Counsell of the Realme,
    Studied so long, sat in the Councell house,
    Early and late, debating too and fro
    How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe,
    100And hath his Highnesse in his infancie,
    Crowned in Paris in despight of foes,
    And shall these Labours, and these Honours dye?
    Shall Henries Conquest, Bedfords vigilance,
    Your Deeds of Warre, and all our Counsell dye?
    105O Peeres of England, shamefull is this League,
    Fatall this Marriage, cancelling your Fame,
    Blotting your names from Bookes of memory,
    Racing the Charracters of your Renowne,
    Defacing Monuments of Conquer'd France,
    110Vndoing all as all had neuer bin.
    Car. Nephew, what meanes this passionate discourse?
    This preroration with such circumstance:
    For France, 'tis ours; and we will keepe it still.
    Glo. I Vnckle, we will keepe it, if we can:
    115But now it is impossible we should.
    Suffolke, the new made Duke that rules the rost,
    Hath giuen the Dutchy of Aniou and Mayne,
    Vnto the poore King Reignier, whose large style
    Agrees not with the leannesse of his purse.
    120Sal. Now by the death of him that dyed for all,
    These Counties were the Keyes of Normandie:
    But wherefore weepes Warwicke, my valiant sonne?
    War. For greefe that they are past recouerie.
    For were there hope to conquer them againe,
    125My sword should shed hot blood, mine eyes no teares.
    Aniou and Maine? My selfe did win them both:
    Those Prouinces, these Armes of mine did conquer,
    And are the Citties that I got with wounds,
    Deliuer'd vp againe with peacefull words?
    130Mort Dieu.
    Yorke. For Suffolkes Duke, may he be suffocate,
    That dims the Honor of this Warlike Isle:
    France should haue torne and rent my very hart,
    Before I would haue yeelded to this League.
    135I neuer read but Englands Kings haue had
    Large summes of Gold, and Dowries with their wiues,
    And our King Henry giues away his owne,
    To match with her that brings no vantages.
    Hum. A proper iest, and neuer heard before,
    140That Suffolke should demand a whole Fifteenth,
    For Costs and Charges in transporting her:
    She should haue staid in France, and steru'd in France
    Before ---
    Car. My Lord of Gloster, now ye grow too hot,
    145It was the pleasure of my Lord the King.
    Hum. My Lord of Winchester I know your minde.
    'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike:
    But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye,
    Rancour will out, proud Prelate, in thy face
    150I see thy furie: If I longer stay,
    We shall begin our ancient bickerings:
    Lordings farewell, and say when I am gone,
    I prophesied, France will be lost ere long. Exit Humfrey.
    Car. So, there goes our Protector in a rage:
    155'Tis knowne to you he is mine enemy:
    Nay more, an enemy vnto you all,
    And no great friend, I feare me to the King;
    Consider Lords, he is the next of blood,
    And heyre apparant to the English Crowne:
    160Had Henrie got an Empire by his marriage,
    And all the wealthy Kingdomes of the West,
    There's reason he should be displeas'd at it:
    Looke to it Lords, let not his smoothing words
    Bewitch your hearts, be wise and circumspect.
    165What though the common people fauour him,
    Calling him, Humfrey the good Duke of Gloster,
    Clapping their hands, and crying with loud voyce,
    Iesu maintaine your Royall Excellence,
    With God preserue the good Duke Humfrey:
    170I feare me Lords, for all this flattering glosse,
    He will be found a dangerous Protector.
    Buc. Why should he then protect our Soueraigne?
    He being of age to gouerne of himselfe.
    Cosin of Somerset, ioyne you with me,
    175And altogether with the Duke of Suffolke,
    Wee'l quickly hoyse Duke Humfrey from his seat.
    Car. This weighty businesse will not brooke delay,
    Ile to the Duke of Suffolke presently. Exit Cardinall.
    Som. Cosin of Buckingham, though Humfries pride
    180And greatnesse of his place be greefe to vs,
    Yet let vs watch the haughtie Cardinall,
    His insolence is more intollerable
    Then all the Princes in the Land beside,
    If Gloster be displac'd, hee'l be Protector.
    185Buc. Or thou, or I Somerset will be Protectors,
    Despite Duke Humfrey, or the Cardinall.
    Exit Buckingham, and Somerset.
    Sal. Pride went before, Ambition followes him.
    While these do labour for their owne preferment,
    190Behooues it vs to labor for the Realme.
    I neuer saw but Humfrey Duke of Gloster,
    Did beare him like a Noble Gentleman:
    Oft haue I seene the haughty Cardinall.
    More like a Souldier then a man o'th' Church,
    195As stout and proud as he were Lord of all,
    Sweare like a Ruffian, and demeane himselfe
    Vnlike the Ruler of a Common-weale.
    Warwicke my sonne, the comfort of my age,
    Thy deeds, thy plainnesse, and thy house-keeping,
    200Hath wonne the greatest fauour of the Commons,
    Excepting none but good Duke Humfrey.
    And Brother Yorke, thy Acts in Ireland,
    In bringing them to ciuill Discipline:
    Thy late exploits done in the heart of France,
    205When thou wert Regent for our Soueraigne,
    Haue made thee fear'd and honor'd of the people,
    Ioyne we together for the publike good,
    In what we can, to bridle and suppresse
    The pride of Suffolke, and the Cardinall,
    210With Somersets and Buckinghams Ambition,
    And as we may, cherish Duke Humfries deeds,
    While they do tend the profit of the Land.
    War. So God helpe Warwicke, as he loues the Land,
    And common profit of his Countrey.
    215Yor. And so sayes Yorke,
    For he hath greatest cause.
    Salisbury. Then lets make hast away,
    And looke vnto the maine.
    Warwicke. Vnto the maine?
    220Oh Father, Maine is lost,
    That Maine, which by maine force Warwicke did winne,
    And would haue kept, so long as breath did last:
    l3 Main