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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby

  • Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1600)

    The second part of
    2200And let our army be discharged too,
    And, good my lord, so please you, let our traines
    March by vs, that we may peruse the men,
    We should haue coap't withall.
    Bishop Go, good Lord Hastings,
    2205And ere they be dismist, let them march by. enter Westmerland.
    Prince I trust Lords we shal lie to night togither:
    Now coosin, wherefore stands our army stil?
    West. The Leaders hauing charge from you to stand,
    2210Wil not goe off vntil they heare you speake.
    Prince They know their dueties. enter Hastings
    Hastings My lord, our army is disperst already,
    Like youthfull steeres vnyoakt they take their courses,
    East, weast, north, south, or like a schoole broke vp,
    2215Each hurries toward his home, and sporting place.
    West. Good tidings my lord Hastings, for the which
    I do arest thee traitor of high treason,
    And you lord Archbishop, and you lord Mowbray,
    Of capitall treason I attach you both.
    2220Mowbray Is this proceeding iust and honorable?
    West. Is your assembly so?
    Bishop will you thus breake your faith?
    Prince I pawnde thee none,
    I promist you redresse of these same grieuances
    2225Whereof you did complaine, which by mine honour
    I will performe, with a most christian care.
    But for you rebels, looke to taste the due
    Meete for rebellion:
    Most shallowly did you these armes commence,
    2230Fondly brought heere, and foolishly sent hence.
    Strike vp our drummes, pursue the scattred stray:
    God, and not we, hath safely fought to day:
    Some guard this traitour to the blocke of death,
    Treasons true bed, and yeelder vp of breath.
    2235Alarum Enter Falstaffe excursions
    Fal. whats your name sir, of what condition are you, and