Internet Shakespeare Editions

Shakespeare in Performance: Stage Production

Hamlet (1969, Stratford Festival of Canada)

Theater CompanyStratford Festival of Canada
Release LocationsCanada
Start Date1969-06-09
End Date1969-10-11
Play ConnectionsHamlet (performance)

Cast Overview

OpheliaAnne Anglin
2nd GravediggerBernard Behrens
Player KingBernard Behrens
FranciscoLawrence Benedict
1st GravediggerMervyn Blake
Player PrologueMervyn Blake
HoratioJames Blendick
Player QueenJoyce Campion
GentlewomanJane Casson
MarcellusPatrick Christopher
ClaudiusLeo Ciceri
CaptainPatrick Crean
LaertesNeil Dainard
OsricEric Donkin
FortinbrasJohn Gardiner
PriestD.M. Hughes
VoltemandJoel Kenyon
RosencrantzStephen Markle
Player PoisonerRobin Marshall
BernardoStephen McHattie
GhostKenneth Pogue
SailorGary Reineke
ReynaldoSaul Rubinek
GuildensternPeter Scupham
CorneliusDon Sutherland
PoloniusPowys Thomas
HamletKenneth Welsh
GertrudeAngela Wood

Production Team and Crew Overview

DirectorJohn Hirsch
DesignerSam Kirkpatrick
Fight ArrangerPatrick Crean
Music byLouis Applebaum

Company Overview

Theater Company Stratford Festival of Canada

Production information courtesy of: Alan Somerset